Monday, September 28, 2009

You are an Idiot!!!!!

Well, it's happened again. I've been taken to task by one
of my readers...called out, as it were, for recommending
that you shouldn't focus solely on animal products as your
main source of protein-

-not only that, but he actually called me an 'idiot' on
several popular health and fitness forums...

...check it out...

...Rob, that is BS. Animal proteins are known to have the
MOST satiating effect on a person, and you're gonna say
other wise? Are you actually gonna tell people to consume
most of their protein from incomplete plant sources with LOW
bioavailability? Wow. I loved what you have always written
about, until now.

And only 0.5g of protein per pound of body weight? Maybe
that's a good amount just for survival, but if you're trying
to gain muscle, then you'll need at least 1g per pound of
body weight.

Burning Furnace Diet

Sorry, it's a time-tested truth among bodybuilders, and I
can't believe it you are not only telling them they only
need 0.5g but you're telling them to go incomplete plant
protein style on top of that! You should read a little about
bodybuilding nutrition, before you go and give advice.

Yikes! Here's a guy with a STRONG opinion, eh? Well, let's
see if we can calm him down and help him burn off that thick
layer of bodyfat that he might still be trying to lose...

...First off, I am well aware of bodybuilding nutrition.
Successful bodybuilders are more often the result of
possessing out of this world genetics for building muscle
(long muscle bellies, etc.) and/or the use of various
performance enhancing drugs-

-If you don't understand this, you haven't been around
bodybuilders enough.

I had followed a so called "bodybuilder's diet" (for about
10 years) with loads of animal protein and most of what I
got was a bigger and fatter body. No one could even tell I
worked out at all...

...I was just another 'fat guy'!

But the point of my message here is not how to become a
successful most people are simply not
interested slipping into a speedo, spraying their body with
bronzers, and parading around on stage hoping their pecs
look more shapely to a group of judges.

In addition, nowhere do I recommend to not eat any animal
protein...that is just unrealistic. Hey, I like eating a
great tasting chicken breast or grass fed buffalo burger
just like the next guy...but-

-I AM making the r.ecommendation that you need to understand
that too much animal protein, from a nutrient standpoint,
often causes you to take in more calories overall as you
body will continue to seek out required nutrients that can't
be found in a slice of turkey.

This is an empowering principle that has helped many of my
readers to lose more fat faster.

Most people do not understand the real importance of plant
based foods in fueling the body (and all the nutrients that
come along with that).

Most people are hung up on animal proteins as the focal
point of every meal they eat. In order to get people to
understand that there is more to eating healthy than eating
chicken breasts, it is often required to over-emphasize the
importance of plant proteins...

..It was discovered almost 20 years ago that amino acids
obtained from food combine with amino acids n.aturally made
in the body.

Adequate amounts of amino acids will be obtained if eating
low amounts of animal products c.ombined with plant proteins
from unrefined grains, legumes, seeds, nuts and vegetables
eaten on a daily basis.

Regarding building I look like I had trouble
building muscle on a diet lower in animal proteins while
working out just twice a week for about 15 minutes per

Take a look at my before ph.oto on my website and you'll see
the result of my heavy reliance on large amounts of animal
proteins and 5-6 days a week of misguided workouts in the
gym.(If you haven't seen my before and after pics on my
website, go ahead and check it out).

I don't get any of those "fat guy" comments anymore...

Yeah, the total absence of animal proteins may inhibit
muscle growth slightly, but as I said, I am not recommending
no animal protein. I am leaner and stronger than I've ever
been in my life, versus the 10 or so years when I used to
eat a "bodybuilder's diet" as 252 pounds of walking blubber.

Burning Furnace Diet

fat burning lesson from a couple of "Italian" guys?

Burning Furnace Diet

Due to the fact that many of my fat burning and fitness
secrets go against the grain of what most people are doing
these days, you can imagine I receive quite an array of
emails from doubters and skeptics.

In fact, I just got another one yesterday which basically
said, "hey, if your system is so good, why isn't e.veryone
doing it?".

They went on to say that they weren't going to become a
student until everybody else around them knew about my Fat
Burning Furnace system and she 'saw it on Op rah'. 'Saw it
on O.prah', I love that.

Well, you know what? I told this reader that she'll
probably never end up becoming a student because the methods
I teach are probably not going to become the norm in today's
fitness industry. Why?

Because the exercise secrets I teach only require 2-3 weekly
workouts of 20 minutes on average. This is not something a
gym or fitness center wants to tell their members. They
would much rather have them living there, 4,5,6 or even 7
days a week.

And the nutrition, mental, and behavior secrets I teach my
students don't make the 'get it all in a bottle' supplement
industry too happy either. That's because I teach reality
and what works n.aturally

I also told this reader to look back in history...typically
the best ideas take a long time to come to the forefront, if
ever. Perhaps the best two examples come from a couple of
Italian guys. No, it's not Mario or Luigi. I'm talking
about Columbus and Galileo.

Columbus proved that the world was indeed round and not flat
as was the commonly held belief at the time. And Galileo
showed that the earth revolved around the sun, not the other
way around, and was punished by the Roman Inquisition for

Others who supported his ideas were literally 'burned at the
stake' for having the same view. (Forgive me for the
rudimentary history lesson ;-))

Hey, if you're not already an FBF student and you want to
wait till you see me on O.prah to become a one, that's fine.
But you'll be missing out on the most efficient way to
getting and staying lean,strong,and healthy that I've ever
come across in my 10+ years of experimentation and research.

And while my company grows, I won't be able to work as
closely with each new student. So for now you really do
have a unique chance to get personal attention from me and
my Fat Burning Furnace team.

I'm not saying I'm Columbus or even Galileo, but I am half
Italian. So please, I beg you, if you aren't already a FBF
student don't decide to become one just yet, don't burn me
at the stake.

If you haven't read my Fat Burning Furnace guide yet, then
you need to go and do that right now.

...I lost over 42 pounds of fat, totally reshaped my body
and dropped my waist measurement by 10 inches, boosted my
energy and health immensely...

...m.y wife lost 59 pounds and went from a size 12 to a size
4 (you can see her pics on the website below)...and we did
it in just a few months with workouts that last just 15-26
minutes performed 2-3 times each week.

It took me years to learn all of the secrets we use...but
you can download my blueprint right now and discover them
for yourself in just a few minutes here:

Burning Furnace Diet

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One size fits all?

Burning Furnace Diet

Whenever I take on a new Fat Burning Furnace reader or
student, I'm often reminded of this basic principle of
health and fitness that most people overlook.

And that is, we're all the same, but we're all different.
How does that apply to getting lean, strong, and healthy,
and why is it important to understand?

It's true that we all have unique differences from one
another. I'm talking specifically about our metabolic rates
and our ability to lose fat or gain muscle.

We all achieve these things at different rates and have
different limits based our genetic programming.

Based on this, many in the fitness world would recommend a
totally different program or system for everybody. In fact,
there are a lot of programs out there that base their entire
systems on these differences alone.

But this is a mistake in my estimation. Why?

Besides being different, basic physiology tells us we are
also all essential the same...the chemical reactions that
take place within me take place in you, your neighbor, and
someone you've never met.

That means we respond very similarly to various stressors
like exercise, and to various nutritional elements as well.

The process of getting a suntan should help illuminate this
concept. While we all vary in terms of the rate at which we
can develop a tan, and ultimately how dark that tan will be,
we still require the same presence of intense sunlight to
get that tan.

(Yes, I know you can go to a tanning salon, but you get my
point). And we also require time away from that sunlight as
our bodies go through the same chemical process to build the

With these physiologic similarities in mind, we should
realize it is possible to create a baseline set of fat loss
and fitness rules and principles that we can adhere to that
will work for most everybody.

We can then adjust accordingly, based on that person's
ability to handle intense exercise, motivation level,
n.atural metabolic rate and so on.

But the differences are not to the extreme amounts that many
would have you believe. While continually working with new
and existing Fat Burning Furnace students, it's relatively
easy to adjust the baseline programs once they get started.

Some don't need any adjustment at all, while others improve
their success by tweaking their programs up or down a few

So, yeah, we're all different. But we're all human too.
Knowledge of this basic concept in health and fitness can
save you from years and years of wasted effort in the
"everybody's different" based fitness & diet routines.

If you haven't read my Fat Burning Furnace guide yet, then
you need to go and do that right now.

...I lost over 42 pounds of fat, totally reshaped my body
and dropped my waist measurement by 10 inches, boosted my
energy and health immensely...

...m.y wife lost 59 pounds and went from a size 12 to a size
4 (you can see her pics on the website below)...and we did
it in just a few months with workouts that last just 15-26
minutes performed 2-3 times each week.

It took me years to learn all of the secrets we use...but
you can download my blueprint right now and discover them
for yourself in just a few minutes here:
Burning Furnace Diet

Will late nite eating make you fatter..

Okay, this is a little twist on the common 'eating late'
question, but can be answered in a similar fashion:

Burning Furnace Diet

First off, if we're talking about a late night meal that is
immediately after a workout (like in our reader's situation
above), there is nothing to worry about.

The most important meal of a workout day is the post workout
meal, as your body is primed to suck up every nutrient you
give it so it can begin the growth and repair process...


-this meal also teaches your body to store food as glycogen
in the muscles rather than as body fat.

So, eating a post workout meal late a night will actually
speed up your rate of fat burning.

Now, what about a regular old meal late at night?

Well, here's the skinny on this now age old question:

The best way to fuel your body for fat loss is to eat
smaller meals more frequently. And when this is done
properly, you almost always end up eating maybe an hour or
two before bedtime.

And this is OK. (You don't want to eat right before bed
because this will usually keep you awake longer anyway as
you body metabolizes the food you just ate!)

But, you do want to watch out and make sure this late night
meal doesn't include many carbohydrates.

Carbs are our fuel source, and we don't need many of them to
fuel us while we are

...try and keep that hour or two before bed meal higher on
the protein/healthy fat side of things.

Another thing to keep in mind is that this late night meal
must be part of your overall daily caloric intake. In other
words, it can't be an "added on" meal just because you're
hungry late at night.

Any surplus of calories will end up stored as fat, so as
long as your late night meal is higher in protein & heathy
fats vs. carbs, and one of your regularly scheduled meals or
snacks, you are good to go.

Also know that not eating for 4 hours or so before bed can
actually make it harder for you to build or even maintain
fat burning lean muscle eating before bed (when
done properly as described above) is actually one of the
best things you could do for overall fat loss.

Burning Furnace Diet

Friday, September 18, 2009

Slow Down...

If you've followed my newsletter a while, or are an FBF
student, you know that slowing down your exercise will
actually speed up your phat loss and fitness results...

Burning Furnace Diet

...AND did you also know that slowing down how you eat will
also speed up your phat loss? Yeah, it's true! Check it

Research has shown again and again that the longer a food
stays in your mouth, the more quickly your taste buds will
get tired of the flavor...which in turn makes you satisfied
with eating less of it!

Go ahead and use a smaller fork and take smaller bites to
push this effect to the max...

When you start applying this to all of your daily meals and
snacks, you'll automatically eat less without really
noticing, which can lead to faster fat, you'll
actually get ot enjoy the tastes of your food a lot more
than if you eat rapidly like most folks do these

Alright, I've gotta go, so enjoy the call and I'll be back
with more fast fit tips soon...

Burning Furnace Diet

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why am I Fat!!

Let's face it.

If you looked and felt your best... you wouldn't be reading this.

You're here because you carry around an extra 15... 30 or even 60 pounds of ugly fat.

And you're tired of it.

Maybe you packed it on over the last 20 years... maybe it's all new weight.

It doesn't matter. Either way, you hate what you see when you look at yourself in the mirror...

Or worse. You don't even look in mirrors anymore.

Burning Furnace Diet

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I wish I could find something that worked for me

Burning Furnace Diet

A few years ago I had a pal who always struggled with his
weight and would try just about every fad diet or latest
exercise gimmick under the sun to remedy his troubles. He
was a low carber for a while.

Then he was doing Tae Bo when that was big. Next he tried
restricting other essential foods in the hope of burning off
body fat. And a few months later, he was back to the low
carb routine, but this time almost no carbs.

You know the story...he would tell me he'd been losing
weight on his new diet and was all excited about it. Then a
few weeks later when his body just couldn't stand the
restrictions and unusual eating habits, he'd be forced to go
off that diet.

Then one day while we were at lunch he was lamenting about
the fact that he'd gained the weight he'd lost back rather
quickly since going off his latest diet. So he was going to
go back on the low carb strategy once again. Coincidentally,
it was around this time that I was assembling all of the
research and experimentation I had been doing on the Fat
Burning Furnace system.

So I brought up the fact that I had uncovered some a.mazing
techniques that allowed me to lose 40+ pounds of fat and
develop a lean, muscular and healthy body. I explained that

I could help with his situation and how easy it would be to
implement. And that's when I heard it. "I wish I could find
something that worked for me", he said. After that he
promptly placed his order with the waitress for a "low carb"
meal. 15 h.ot wings.

A path to success was literally staring him in the face, but
all he could say was that he wished he could find something
that worked for him...and gobble down 15 h.ot wings. I
began to help him each day by feeding him some of my FBF
secrets...but you know what? He didn't use any of them. He
didn't change a darn thing.

I realized a long time ago that even if you put the right
information in the palm of someone's hand, it's ultimately
up to them to take action and get to the doing part of it.
And most people don't take action...most people don't get to
the doing part. My pal sure didn't.

Burning Furnace Diet

I also realized that getting and staying lean, strong, and
healthy for life requires more than just a few tricks or
tips. What is really required is a changing of what's at the
core of one's struggles with their health and fitness.

And in most cases at that core is the person's basic
lifestyle. How they eat, sleep, exercise, etc. I'm talking
about the core values of how they live. This is very, very,
very different from going on a diet or trying the latest
aerobic exercise craze.

If you take the steps to create a new lifestyle in the place
of your old one, you're solving problems at the source,
which is essential if you want lasting and powerful results.
But again, you have to get to the doing part of it.

As I've said many times before, if you don't change what
you're doing today, you absolutely will not change your
tomorrow. My Fat Burning Furnace techniques and secrets
help you to do that.

If you haven't read my Fat Burning Furnace guide yet, then
you need to go and do that right now.
...I lost over 42 pounds of fat, totally reshaped my body
and dropped my waist measurement by 10 inches, boosted my
energy and health immensely...

...m.y wife lost 59 pounds and went from a size 12 to a size
4 (you can see her pics on the website below)...and we did
it in just a few months with workouts that last just 15-26
minutes performed 2-3 times each week.

It took me years to learn all of the secrets we use...but
you can download my blueprint right now and discover them
for yourself in just a few minutes here:

Burning Furnace Diet

Monday, September 14, 2009


Burning Furnace Diet

Q: So obviously you are a big fan of weight training when it
comes to burning fat. Should people train the same as when
they're trying to gain muscle?

RP: Yeah , in my experience, they should. But the weight
training we use is not like you see most guys performing in the
gym these days. We don’t use split routines, we don’t throw the
weights around, and we don’t have ladies lifting soup cans or
using rubber bands. From my experience all of these things will
get you worse results or injured. The main goal of my Fat
Burning Furnace exercise program is to burn fat, of course, but
the underlying goal that leads to this is building lean muscle

And this scares some ladies and even some of the men who read my
book..they don’t want to get too bulky. But, as I said, this is
a near impossibility for 99% of women and even some men due to
the genetic requirements (muscle belly length, testosterone
levels, etc.) of having overly large muscles. Now, sure, you
could gain weight and look bulky by eating a ton of calories
while you’re building muscle, but you’d just be fat and
puffy like I was several years ago.

The only thing more lean muscle is going to do to a ladies body
is make it more feminine, shapely, and se.xy.

Burning Furnace Diet

Q: That’s right,and it’s something we still need to get the word
out on to women everywhere for sure. Rob, what are some common
mistakes you see people making when trying to lose lots of fat
and get ripped?

RP: Oh man, there are so many . I mean, there are basic large
scale diet mistakes, like restricting yourself of carbohydrates
too much (which won’t work in the long run), eating too few
calories or starving yourself, eating a low fat diet and
eliminating healthy fats, and not eating enough of your calories
from nutrient rich foods.

Then there are big exercise mistakes, like spending 4-6 days a
week in the gym with hours of boring fat storing cardio and then
hours more of low to moderate intensity weight training on top
of it. People are using terrible form with their exercise,
which takes most of the stress off the muscles being worked and
cuts their effectiveness by at least two-thirds. Ladies are
afraid to work out hard in fear of getting to bulky.

I mean I could go on,but I actually have a video I put together
for my newsletters subscribers that tells you my top 7 mistakes
people make.Your readers can watch it after they subscribe at my
website if they wish.

Burning Furnace Diet

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Here is more on our discussion..

Burning Furnace Diet

Q: Rob, a lot of people on the cover of fitness products that
have great physiques are just born with great genetics. From
what you mentioned, this is obviously not an advantage you
had. Can you tell us how exactly you were able to overcome your
fat loss and fitness challenges?

RP: I simply wanted it badly . I hated being overweight and just
felt crummy all the time. I had low energy. I was embarrassed
to take my shirt off in the summer, you know, all the
stereotypical stuff, except it was very personal for me.

I also didn’t carry much muscle on my body genetically. I’m
rather tall (6’6") so looking muscular is even tougher for me
than someone of average height. I was over fat, yet under
muscled. Talk about the worst of both worlds. But I’m not the
kind of person that just gives up. I must have tried a hundred
different programs or diets during those 10 or so years.

The steps I took were basically trial and error,and a lot of
wasted money. But you know, it really wasn’t wasted because if
I was able to gain just one new insight or technique to add to
my method, it was worth it. Especially with results I’m able to
obtain for my readers and students now.

At some point I basically realized that exercise and nutrition
for building muscle and getting lean is a science, just like any
other science. There are things that must be included in your
regimen or else you cannot expect results. Period. The beauty
of it is, that for other people, I can show them how to get it
done like my wife and I did in just a few months and without
having super human motivation or spending even 1 year of more
trial and error.

Burning Furnace Diet

Q: That’s Rob, you specialize in teaching people
how to burn fat from their bodies. Can you give us some
nutritional tips for burning the most amount of fat in minimum

RP: Oh yeah. There’s a lot of stuff,but perhaps the most
important tip I can give anyone trying to get and stay lean is
to look at food from a micronutrient standpoint. Most people
look at food from a macronutrient view (protein, carbs, fats).

This is fine, but the big light bulb went off for me when I
started to focus on eating most of my calories from foods that
are super loaded with nutrients. These are vegetables, fruits,
whole unrefined grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds. I’m
not talking about a vegetarian or vegan diet here, but a diet
that supplies the body with the nutrients it requires to burn
fat optimally. When you give your body the required nutrients
without overloading it with nutrient poor or nutrient barren
foods, fast fat loss happens almost magically.

Q: Now I also know you're not a fan of cardio. I usually teach
cardio as a great way to burn fat. Why do your methods not
include cardio?

RP: Let me be extra clear on this one, because my stance here
confuses a lot of people. First off, I think it is a waste of
time trying to "run off" your calories to burn fat. This
attitude will just wear you out over the long haul, and simply
doesn’t work as well as controlling your calories through diet
techniques. Also, studies have shown that regular moderately
paced cardio, where you run or bike at a steady pace for 30+
minutes several times a week actually causes you to store more
fat! Here’s why this is the case.

When you’re doing this
exercise, your body is using stored fat for fuel. This may
sound good, but what this is actually doing is telling your body
that when it encounters this activity again it needs a reserve
amount of fat available to fuel the exercise session. I know it
sounds crazy, but it’s true. On top of that, most avid runners
can tell you about the injuries and nagging pains they have from
the constant repetitive pound their joints and tendons take over
the years...not something I would wish on my worst enemy!

Now, what does work for burning fat quickly is what’s known as
interval cardio. And I know you know all about this , with your
stair routines. This is where you perform a relatively short
cardio workout (usually 15-25 minutes or so) and you alternate
periods of high to low intensity during the session.

So you might spend 1 minute jogging at a light pace, and then
immediately switch to a near sprint for 1 minute straight, and
then repeat the process several times. This type of exercise
uses stored carbohydrates for fuel, not fat, so it sends a
signal to your body to replenish your depleted muscles rather
than storing a reserve amount of fat. Very different from the
standard type of cardio that I loathe!

But believe it or not, I don’t even do this type of interval
cardio in my own method. Why is that? Well, it’s because I
realized a while back that the #1 activity you can do to burn
fat is weight training or some form of resistance training.

This has to do with the fact that adding lean muscle to your
body creates a powerful fat burning furnace that will
automatically burn more calories at rest...significantly more.
What we’ve done with the type of weight training we do in Fat
Burning Furnace, though, is combine interval cardio with weight
training to create one short and simple fat burning, muscle, and
strength building work out. Many people have called it the most
efficient fat loss and fitness work out ever created.

Burning Furnace Diet

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I wanted to let you listen in on this...

I'm really excited because I just had the chance to interrogate
one of the hottest names in fat loss and fitness, Rob Poulos.
Rob is the author of "Fat Burning Furnace" at

Burning Furnace Diet

and specializes in helping both men and women lost fat quickly
and permanently with his brief and infrequent workouts and
simple diet principles.

He and his spouse lost over 100 pounds of fat combined in just a
few months with his methods, and thousands of his readers are
getting similar results (you can read more quotes on his

He really let loose in the interview, so I thought you'd enjoy
listening in...

Q: Rob, thanks for agreeing to let me interview you today. For
those out there who don’t know much about you, can you give us a
little background and how you were able to make such an amazing
transformation in such little time?

RP: Sure, and thanks for having me. You know, I first got
interested in this whole fat burning thing mainly to meet girls
when I was younger and I’m not ashamed to admit it! But
seriously, I kind of struggled with my weight most of my life.
When I was in my early 20s, I got interested in bodybuilding
(mostly through watching too many Arnold Schwarzenegger movies I
guess!). But I saw it as a way to get the kind of lean muscular
body I wanted. Not the blown up steroid bodybuilder look, more
like the look the bodybuilders of the 50’s &60’s had, you know,
the kind that attracts the opposite sex and makes your friends
jealous! But I realized real fast that achieving these goals
doesn’t happen overnight.

I also found out, after years and years of trial and error, that
90% of the fat loss or muscle building programs and products
were just plain garbage. They were either created to simply
make a quick buck, or would only work on people who were already
born with great lean muscular genetics. You know the type. I
had one buddy who would work out lazily, with very little
intensity, and pretty much eat pizza after pizza and still look
dynamite when he was at the beach.

I also learned that most of the programs out there either
required you to spend 4-6 days in the gym with long cardio
workouts plus weight training workouts, restrict yourself of
carbs until you were mad at the whole world, or both!
This stuff just plain frustrated me, and so I went looking to
create a fat loss and fitness method of my own as I couldn’t
find one that allowed me to get in killer shape without having
to give up the foods I loved or most of my spare time.

And after about 10 years or so, I felt as though I had perfected
the method as once I started using all of the techniques
together, I was able to finally drop over 42 pounds of body fat
and 10 inches off my waist. I was also building slabs of lean
muscle and strength, this happened over the course of just a few
months. My wife even lost 59 pounds during this same period and
went from a size 12 to a size 4.

But what really excited me , was that we did it without cutting
carbs out of our diet and by only working out 2-3 times a week
for just 15-26 minutes per workout. And no cardio whatsoever.
We both hated long boring cardio, so we were like a couple of
kids at Christmas.

So, obviously when our friends and family saw the changes we had
made, we got a lot of mixed reactions. Some were jealous and
not supportive, if you can believe that! But most wanted to get
my secrets and kept telling me, "you have to write a book, you
have to write a book".

Burning Furnace Diet

So that’s what I did. I put everything down to paper and even
shot some videos detailing my method so people could just copy
my plan themselves. And it’s been fantastic helping thousands
and thousands of people from all over the world with my Fat
Burning Furnace program,helping them finally lose that stubborn
body fat and develop a new level of self confidence in
everything they do. So that’s where I am today and it feels

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wow...these fat loss & fitness gifts really are that popular...

I'm not sure if you saw it, but I sent out a private link to a
few of my select readers last week about the newly released fat
burning and fitness secrets that 10+ year fat loss expert Rob
Poulos has put together for the readers and students of his
popular Fat Burning Furnace eBook and method.

In that email I mentioned that thousands were already swarming
to Rob's website to get their own copy of the eBook and Rob's
fat loss bonus gifts...but what I didn't know is that with so
many trying to access the bonuses at once, Rob experienced some
technical a lot of my readers missed out on
grabbing their own copies.

Well, Rob just messaged me and assured me that everything is
back to normal and you should be able to gain i.nstant access to
the fat loss and fitness gifts right now, at this link:

Burning Furnace Diet

You might be wondering why so many are feverishly snapping up
copies of Rob's new eBook...well, I can tell you it's probably
because Rob himself lost over 42 pounds of fat and flab while
building a lean, s.exy firm body in less than 20 minutes per
workout, 2-3 times each week. (You can see how he did it and
check out his remarkable transformation pic at his site).

Just a's what's in this three pack of fat loss
and fitness secrets that's got everybody buzzing:

*You instantly get a copy of Rob's mega-popular '7 Secrets Of
Permanent Fat Loss & Fitness'. This 40+ page manuscript reveals
7 of his most powerful principles to supercharging your fat
burning and fitness results forever. He even covers some often
overlooked behavioral issues vital to your success that most
'gurus' don't even touch upon in their r.ecommendations.

*You also get a complimentary subscription to Rob's 'Fat Loss,
Health & Fitness Tips' online newsletter or ezine. Every week,
Rob dishes out even more fat burning and fitness secrets, again
including a lot of info that most supposed 'gurus' are missing
the boat on. Besides being a great motivational tool, Rob's Fat
Loss & Fitness Tips ezine reveals some of the core fundamentals
of his results producing Fat Burning Furnace method. He's also
been known to throw in a few surprise videos and other bonuses
with this valuable eNewsletter.

So you can probably see, if you're even the least bit interested
in how to get leaner, stronger, and healthier for the rest of
your life, without having to spend all week in the gym or follow
a fad diet, then you'll want to claim your fat loss f.reebies now, and check out Rob's eBook.

Rob also prepared a long letter for you that answers all the
questions he's been getting from the thousands of daily visitors
to his website to grab a sneak peek at his Fat Burning Furnace complete fat loss and fitness method. You can learn more

Burning Furnace Diet

Sorry again if you missed out the first time...I hope you enjoy
the fat loss and fitness three pack as much as I have.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I'd like you to have these fat loss and fitness gifts f-r-e-e

I just received a message from 10+ year fat loss and fitness
expert Rob Poulos about some new fat burning secrets that he's
put together for his readers and students of his popular Fat
Burning Furnace eBook.

After Rob explained that thousands are already swarming to his
website to get their own copy of the fat burning goodies, you
can imagine I was quite happy when he graciously offered it to
my readers too...totally 'on the house'. If you want to grab
the f.reebies now, and learn more about his Fat Burning Furnace
method that is changing lives literally all over the globe, tap
on the link below:

Burning Furnace Diet

What exactly will you get?

*You instantly get a copy of Rob's mega-popular '7 Secrets Of
Permanent Fat Loss & Fitness'. This 40+ page manuscript reveals
7 of his most powerful principles to supercharging your fat
burning and fitness results forever. He even covers some often
overlooked behavioral issues vital to your success that most
'gurus' don't even touch upon in their r.ecommendations.

*You also get a complimentary subscription to Rob's 'Fat Loss,
Health & Fitness Tips' online newsletter or ezine. Every week,
Rob dishes out even more fat burning and fitness secrets, again
including a lot of info that most supposed 'gurus' are missing
the boat on. Besides being a great motivational tool, Rob's Fat
Loss & Fitness Tips ezine reveals some of the core fundamentals
of his results producing Fat Burning Furnace method. He's also
been known to throw in a few surprise videos and other bonuses
with this valuable eNewsletter.

If you're even the least bit interested in how to get leaner,
stronger, and healthier for the rest of your life, without
having to spend all week in the gym or follow a fad diet, then
you're in for a big surprise.

That's because Rob turns his head at many of the popularly
recommended methods, detailing why what you may be doing right
now is actually dangerous and keeping you fat and unhealthy!
This was real 'eye-opener' for me.

In Rob's Fat Burning Furnace eBook, he teaches his students how
to reach their maximum genetic potential for achieving and
maintaining a lean, strong, and healthy body. And the best

It takes just 14-26 minutes, 2 to 3 times each week, and won't
have you doing cardio or going on another restrictive diet ever
again. That's right, no cardio and no diets ever again.

One of Rob's students dropped her body fat by 5% in just 3 weeks
with the Fat Burning Furnace system...Another doubled his
strength and lost 2 inches off his waist in less than a month.

Rob himself used these principles to drop over 42 pounds of
unwanted body fat while building lean and s.exy muscle,
strength, and cardiovascular health permanently. (You can see
his startling transformation pic and other success stories on
his website)

Burning Furnace Diet

These might sound like gutsy statements to make, but Rob
explained to me that he personally spent over 23 thousand
dollars in the last decade seeking the truth about health and
fitness. He's experimented relentlessly on himself and his
willing early students.

After the dust settled, he collected the absolute best
techniques and concepts that he labored to discover over all
those years. Then he created what many people now consider to be
the most efficient, effective, and easiest to follow
approaches to lasting health and fitness ever developed.

Now, you should also know that Rob prides himself on making sure
every one of his students is taken care of, and to ensure that
happens, he also includes full email support for anyone that
chooses to skyrocket their fat loss and fitness success with his
Fat Burning Furnace eBook. That's almost unheard of these
days...and as Rob will tell you, that personal support can
really make all the difference.

Will you be one of the next students to maximize your genetic
ability to stay lean, strong, and healthy for life in just

Rob prepared a letter for you that answers all the questions
he's been getting from the thousands of daily visitors to his
website. You can learn more here:

Burning Furnace Diet

I hope you enjoy learning about Rob's Fat Burning Fitness method
as much as I have.

P.S. Remember, you can get i.nstant access to Rob's fat burning
and fitness freebies here. Go ahead and grab 'em now:

Burning Furnace Diet

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Are You Destined For 8 Years Of Poor Health & Misery? The Answer Might Surprise (And Scare) You...

I was puttering around on the internet this morning and I saw something that really caught my eye. It was the latest data regarding our current life expectancy as humans from the World Health Organization, along with a history of how that's changed over the years.

This info went all the way back to the Neanderthal period (the guys from the Geico Insurance TV commercials) up to present day humans.

Those poor Geico guys only lived to be 20 years old on average, while today's humans can expect about 75 years of life.

2,900 Or More Days Of Misery In Your Future?!

But did you know that today's people have an average healthy life expectancy of just 67 years? In other words, this is saying that you can expect 8 years of your life in poor health. 8 years! That's 2,900+ days of poor health. I don't know about you, but that's not something I'm looking forward to. I sure think we can do better than 67 years of good health on this planet. And you know what? We can.

This number is an average. Like anything else, you don't have to be average if you don't want to be. The average person doesn't exercise properly, if at all. The average person doesn't know how to make the right foods selections and maintain a healthy diet. The average person doesn't apply themselves mentally and emotionally to maintain relatively stress free living.

If this sounds a little bit too much like you, the good news is you don't have to be this person any longer. While it is a shame that today's health, fitness, and diet industry is simply confusing more people than it's helping, there are a few people and organizations out there that can provide a realistic, effective and efficient approach to breaking past the average healthy life span and living those years full of energy, strength, and vitality.

I get questions from my Fat Burning Furnace newsletter and system readers all the time, after going through the FBF materials, about how they can't believe how little exercise is involved. And even though I've told them up front that they can let go of the aerobics or traditional cardio because of how powerful the FBF exercise really is, many still have trouble doing that.

And what I tell them is directly related to the subject of life expectancy and just how much time we really have in our lives. I tell them that having a lean, strong, and healthy body is great. It's one of the most important things we can attain. Period. But, how much time is it worth to you? That's the question I asked myself over and over when seeking out my own methods and developing the FBF methods.

Most people, after years and years of trial and error, come to realize that spending several days and hours a week working out is just not worth the trouble. And carefully measuring your food, counting calories, and depriving yourself of nutrient rich foods like whole grain carbohydrates is also something that shouldn't be necessary to enjoy a healthy and energy filled life. And it isn't.

How Much Time & Effort Is Minimally Required?

What we really should be focusing on is how much time and effort is minimally required to get the results we're looking for. Think about that. Not how much, but how much is minimally required. Remember, we've got just 67 healthy years as a starting point...If I valued my time on this planet, this is what I would be searching for.

If it really took hours and hours a week and all of that crazy nutrition manipulation to burn fat, build muscle, strength, and cardiovascular health, I'm not sure I'd do it. Not for very long anyway. I've tried that approach, for years, and if you have you know it's no fun. And it's just not realistic given the demands our lives place on us in today's world.

But as I've mentioned before, you don't have to worry about that kind of stuff anymore. The principles in my FBF system allow you to approach your genetic potential for a lean, strong, and healthy body in just minutes each week and with very simple lifestyle changes.

Just 45 Minutes A Week...While Eating Delicious Foods?

My wife Kalen and I have been using the FBF principles for a few years now. We work out twice each week. We even take a week off entirely every few weeks or so. We don't count calories. We don't deprive ourselves of the foods we love. If it's our daughter's birthday, we enjoy some cake and ice cream . We just work the FBF principles and continue to stay in great shape day after day, week after week, year after year.

We work out so little because of the way the workouts are performed and created, and we eat with such flexibility because we stick with the FBF lifestyle, which gives you the power of flexibility and variation that is lacking in most programs.

What I'm saying is that I've discovered what is minimally required to give me the health and body that I wanted. And thousands of my FBF students are doing it as well. Sure I could add another day a week to my workouts, but at this point it would actually be detrimental to my results. I could also start messing with my diet in all sorts of crazy ways, but that would just make my body angry and cause me unneeded stress.

So, I ask you, are you trying to find what's minimally required to get you the results you want? If you truly value your time and the other worthy pursuits in your life, I'm suggesting that this is exactly what you should be doing. If you don't, you may just end up being an average 67 year old with 8 years of poor health to look forward to.

By the way, if you haven't read my Fat Burning Furnace blueprint yet, you really want to go and do that right now. It took me years to learn all of the techniques and secrets my wife and I used to drop over 100 pounds of fat (see our pictures after you click the button below), totally reshape our bodies, boost our energy, and develop lasting health...but you can copy my plan just a few minutes from now with my Fat Burning Furnace system.

Discover How To Lose 42 Pounds & 10 Inches Off Your Waist In Just 45 Minutes A WEEK...

Or Learn How To Drop 59 Pounds & 8 Dress Sizes While Enjoying Yummy Foods All Day...
You're Going To Be Blown Away When You Learn The Real Reason You're Still Fat...

Friday, September 4, 2009

How To Triple Your Fat Burning Workout Results

Do you want to know how to triple your results from your resistance training? Why
wouldn't you?

Properly conducted resistance training can give you startling fat loss results, along with muscle and strength gains. On top of that, when using the techniques I describe in the Fat Burning Furnace eBook, you'll also receive "top drawer" cardiovascular health benefits. And all from 2-3 workouts each week lasting just 15-20 minutes on average.

But, you've got to do them right, not like the average resistance trainer is taught these days. Walk into any fitness center or gym and you'll see at least half if not more of the exercisers performing their workouts in a less than optimal way...and that's being kind.

So let's get right to one of the ways you can triple your resistance training results immediately. It has to do with how you specifically perform the repetitions. To better understand this, let's examine our 3 different strength levels in any resistance exercise.

Take the dumbbell curl exercise for the biceps for example. In this movement, you begin with the weight down at your sides. You proceed to smoothly and slowly curl the dumbbells up to your shoulders. This movement trains your positive strength level. You should then pause briefly and contract your biceps at the top of the movement. This trains your static strength level.

Finally, you would want to lower the dumbbells slowly back to the starting position. This trains your negative strength level.

Now the problem is that most people don't even bother with the static or negative strength levels. They put all of the focus on the "lifting" or positive portion of the movement, while not pausing or contracting sufficiently at the top, and not taking nearly enough time on the negative portion.

In effect they are getting only one third of the benefits that this exercise can give them. Actually, it's less than that because the static and negative portions can actually create deeper inroads into your existing strength levels. This is something you want, as it will lead to greater progress faster assuming you give your body appropriate time to recover.

Why do we care so much about strength? Outside of the obvious reasons, strength leads to muscle growth, which leads to a faster resting metabolism, which leads to faster fat loss and various other improved health factors that could take up another couple of pages at least ;-).

In the Fat Burning Furnace eBook & Deluxe Program, I take these concepts to the next level. Here we are using techniques to maximize your static and negative strength levels in order to push the limits of your lean and healthy genetic potential to the max. That's when the real fun begins.

So make sure not to neglect the static and negative strength levels when performing your next resistance training workout. Don't waste the opportunity to triple your results!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Simple Change In Mindset Will Burn More Fat Fast

Most people that I talk to about health and fitness talk about “getting in shape”. But I don’t think they realize that their words are actually counterproductive to their aspirations of burning fat. You hear a lot of people lamenting about being out of shape and saying, “I need to get in shape and burn fat”, or, “I want to get in shape and burn fat.” What you don’t hear them saying is, “I want to get in shape, burn fat, and stay that way.”

They may want to stay in shape, but their mindset is focused on getting in shape. This makes you more susceptible to the fad diets and latest exercise gimmick on the market. You’re so focused on getting in shape that you’ll try almost anything regardless of how silly or difficult to follow it might seem, because you’re entirely focused on the short term goal.

A simple change in the “quick fix” mindset to one of long term success will steer you down the correct path. You’ll be less enticed by the late night TV hype, and more focused on doing the right things most of the time. Wouldn’t you agree that life long health and fitness is what’s most important?

Of course creating an environment in your body that allows you to burn fat fast is essential to this goal. A person who is in shape in their 50s and 60s is a lot more impressive to me than someone who is lean and fit in their 20s and 30s. That’s because the dedication to maintaining the proper exercise plan and a sensible nutrition strategy for the rest of your life is rare to find. It’s a rare mindset.

If you really want to transform your physique and your health for good, you must make it a lifestyle, a habit. And that starts in your mind. That’s what the people who are lean for life do. In fact, if I think about all of the people I personally know that are in great shape and have been for a while, I start to understand that they have their minds on staying in shape.

They think about it day and night, not obsessively, but with each thing they do…they subconsciously think, “Is this going to positively or negatively impact my long term health and fitness?”. "Am I doing everything I reasonable can to burn fat and live a healthy lifestyle?".

The good news is that research shows you can develop simple habits like those involved in eating and exercising properly in under a month…sometimes even sooner. And with the type of exercise and diet tips I recommend to my Fat Burning Furnace students, you don’t need o give up your life’s pursuits so that you are working out every day, nor do you need to follow a wacky diet you can’t reasonably make a lifestyle out of.

And after a few months of practicing these methods, I’ve found that your body will start telling you it wants to keep exercising and eating right…you just won’t feel right with out it. Why? Because your body naturally wants to be healthy and lean.

So I urge you to forgo the “get in shape” mindset, and instead embrace the idea of staying in shape and creating that fat burning furnace that is so essential to life long health and fitness.

Imagine yourself in the body of your dreams, today, tomorrow, and 5, 10, 20 or more years from now. What will you be doing then, in your lean, strong, and healthy body? Chances are, you won’t be trying to “get in shape”. Instead, you'll be burning fat 24/7, and enjoying life as you should...full of vitality and passion.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How To Properly Judge Your Fat Loss Progress

If you don’t know how to properly judge your fat loss or fat burning progress from a particular exercise or nutrition regimen, you’re probably not going to be very successful. It’s just like in sports…you have to know the score if you want to know who wins the game. So in our fat loss and fitness efforts, we have to know our body’s score if we want to know if we’re winning, or in this case, losing.

I’ve found that a big mistake a lot of people make in judging their fat loss progress in the pursuit of a fit body is to be a slave to the scale. The scale is a useful tool, no doubt, but I’ve seen far too many people stop doing the right things (like proper weight training) just because they gained a pound on the scale.

But you can’t blame yourself if you’ve been in this mode before…for years most of us were taught to watch the scale carefully when measuring if we did or did not burn fat. But your body can fluctuate a few pounds up or down at different times of the day, every day. This doesn’t mean you’ve burned or gained fat, so following the scale can play games with your mind.

Another big problem with using the scale as your sole judge of progress has become clear with many people adding lean muscle to their bodies recently.

Muscle weighs more than fat, so let’s say you been following a properly conducted resistance training routine for the past few months. You’ve gotten stronger and you’ve also added muscle to your body. If you’re adding pounds of lean muscle to your body, you might see an up-tick in what the scale says. But assuming you’re not gaining fat weight, it’s a good thing. It’s not about weight loss, it’s about fat loss.

More muscle means more calories devoted to building that muscle and keeping it alive. It also means your metabolism will get faster and become more efficient at burning fat. You’ll see that number on the scale drop soon enough, as the new muscle has created a calorie deficit in your daily food intake.

What we really should be looking at here is body fat percentage, or how much your total weight is made up of body fat. Most men will be more than happy with their bodies when they get into the 12-15% range, and most women will be satisfied with a fat percentage of around 16-20. So go out and get a skin caliper, which is fairly inexpensive, or another measurement device so you can keep track of your relative body fat percentage. If it’s going down, keep doing what you’re doing, and don’t even look at that scale!

Another tool I recommend using when judging your fat loss progress is the tried and true mirror in your bathroom. Now, this may sound simple, but use the mirror to judge your fat loss and muscle gain.

Combined with liberal use of your scale and keeping tabs on your body fat percentage, your mirror will provide all you’ll need to judge your progress. The great thing about the mirror is that you’ll get great motivation from seeing your body change right before your eyes, and it will spur you on to even further progress!

The other important aspect of judging your fat loss progress is creating realistic expectations of your new body. As I teach my Fat Burning Furnace students, our friends in the fitness industry often use the genetically superior to advertise their products and programs, and this can easily deceive you subconsciously into thinking all you have to do is follow their advice to look like the cover boy or girl.

Well, I’m here to tell you that even if you have the most efficient plan or program, you still may never look like your favorite physique superstar or model.

Research tells us that we are a product of our genetic inheritance. We all have our own inherited physical characteristics. For instance, some of us carry more fat in our bellies than others. Some of us have more muscle fibers in our legs and arms. Some of us carry more fat cells in our hips and thighs. Some of us are short, some are tall, some have dark hair, some have blue eyes, etc.

Some of us lose fat and gain muscle easily, some don’t. While this may come as no surprise, it is important to remember so we don’t sabotage our efforts in the gym or at the dinner table trying to burn fat. What I mean by that is, just because you don’t lose fat in your belly at the same rate as your best friend doesn’t mean you’re doing the wrong things to lose it.

You can only compare yourself to you. Lying in you right now is your very own best body - your own strong, lean, and healthy physique. Everyone’s is different. Yours might be highlighted by broad shoulders and powerful arms. Or maybe it’s your slender and muscular waist that frames your body.

So don’t feel chained by your genetic makeup, feel liberated, knowing that you have the power to reshape and transform what you were given.

With the combination of the right knowledge and developed habits, you can burn fat fast and make such improvements in your body that you’ll impress almost everyone you know. I’ve seen it happen with my friends, family, and students…I’m talking about people seeing them and saying wow!

And more importantly, you’ll feel great knowing you’ve done all you can to live the rest of your life with the body you’re truly capable of...and that is just an awesome and empowering feeling.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rest, Sleep, And Burn More Fat Fast

In order to reap the benefits from the intense exercise I recommend to my Fat Burning Furnace students, you must get adequate rest. I can’t stress this fact enough. In fact, rest is just as important, if not more important that the actual exercise.

During the high intensity resistance exercise that my students perform, the muscles experience tiny injuries or tears. The body’s response is to adapt and repair, getting stronger and larger muscles, which of course leads to burning more fat and a leaner body.

But this growth and repair process won’t take place if the body is not allowed the time to do its job. Too often, people rush back into the gym, as many have been inundated with the “more is better” axiom when it comes to exercise. But if we don’t get out of the body’s way and let it do its magic, we will experience poor results. We won't burn fat like we want to, and we will just end up demotivated or possibly give up our efforts altogether.

If you don’t get enough rest or sleep, you’ll have a very difficult time building the fat-burning muscle that will transform your body. And you’ll also have a tough time burning fat off too! That’s why we can’t work out too long or too often when using a sufficient intensity level. When giving the body an intense stimulus, such as proper weight training, you can’t keep hammering it into the ground.

If you did this, you’d quickly over train your muscles and negate your body’s ability to recover from exercise. Your immune system could become so worn down in fact, that you might even get sick…this happened to me a few times in the past when I wasn’t paying attention to getting adequate rest and sleep.

And this repair and recover process doesn’t happen overnight, it usually takes 2 days or more, So make sure to keep between 1-3 days of rest between your properly conducted resistance training workouts, or you will be short-circuiting your chances of success to burn fat and build lean, strong, muscle.

Now that we know how important rest is to burning fat and building muscle, we also must understand the most important component of rest…otherwise know as sleep. Sleep is the ultimate recovery tool, and not only for recovery from exercise. It’s a recovery tool from any stress you take in throughout the day.

Whether it’s from family pressures, work issues, or finances, etc., increased stress can be dissolved by adequate sleep. And don’t think you can burn fat maximally when you’re over-stressed by other things in your life. A high stress level can shut down the effectiveness of your ability to burn fat, among other things.

So make sure to get adequate sleep. What’s ideal? I would recommend no less than seven or more than nine hours. In fact, seven and half hours per night might be the perfect amount!

Research has shown that we sleep in cycles of 90 minutes or so. It has been suggested that if we wake up too far before or after one of these 90 minute cycles, you will probably feel groggy for a good part of the day. So try the 5 90 minutes sleep cycles, or 7 and a half hours…you’ll most likely wake up feeling well-rested and energized, and your fat burning furnace will show it’s appreciation, allowing you to burn more fat faster.